17: Close Curtain

This essay will be in two parts, here is the first one. There is this common question that is supposed to be introspective. “What would you do differently if you could go back in time knowing what you know now?” My answer is very simple: “I will not be applying to study medicine and surgery.” I got the inspiration to write this on the day of my class's official picture day. The pictures are supposed to be in our class yearbook, which is supposed to serve as a reminder of the time we spent at UNN College of Medicine. I don't want a reminder of my time here, and I don't want anyone to remember I was here. This is not borne out of the fact that I refused to allow people in or that I had no friends or people that I am not grateful for. This was not borne out of the fact that I do not have happy memories from my time here. It is just that when it all comes down to it, I ask myself, at what cost? Remember that scene in Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame , where Wanda tells Tha...