
a midnight rant from a broken soul...

Fear, the one force that holds man still and the feeling so gripping that all you do is think about what would happen once that moment pass away, we tell ourselves if only this moves, if this cup pass over me, when that is achieved we begin to dread it occurring again till we become trapped in a mindless circle.

Since I met you, I have gone through all the stages I think is humanly possible, the initial attraction, the lust, the love and finally the fear. I always seek control of things around me, I am terribly scared of events I can't control and responses that might break me apart still all I care about is you, to be totally yours and for you to be mine but I am constantly reminded that you own things not humans, that you control things not people and things might not be as bad as I pretend it would be but you know what fears does my love, it is a constant force that keeps me buried. 

Maybe my fear has become my comfort, it has kept me away from facing what is right and what is true, so that night when you won't hold me the fears came back, when you mentioned leaving the next morning, its effect became worse and when you stood up to go I fell apart. I believed that if you listen close enough you would have heard me crying but now I have began to realise it is not you, it never was, you have offered all you can give and even if I want more, there isn't much I can do about it. So my fears took flight and have been soaring ever since.

My biggest fear right about now is that you would leave and what if you did, there is nothing I can do about it I don't have a claim to your heart and you are not mine, you belong to those you choose to belong to, and while I have a countdown to when this will end, I promise to keep my fears at bay and just live. that is all I promise, and when I finally become courageous, I would tell you, I would let you know that I never want to let you go, not now not ever, but you are free to leave, I can't control the outcome, I never did.

The Estherian.


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