I know a girl that wore a thousand faces, faces that she would slip on and off to match the situation that she finds herself in, what everyone doesn't know is that all her thousand faces look exactly the same to the outside, but inside, they are never the same except for when she calls them. Her story is a very peculiar one, who wants to hide what you see everyday you ask, but she has learnt that most times the best way to hide is in plain sight, right in front of them and somehow you would never notice. Just so I don’t confuse you, let's call these faces 'persona'.

The face everyone sees is the primary face, and the use of this persona is to create an entrance, someone everyone knows, she is the mask and the main disguise. The beautiful thing about her is that everyone knows her and she keeps the others secret safe. She can be attractive when she wants to be or she can choose not to be but for most instances, she is friendly.

If you get close, there are two other personas you are most likely going to meet, the devil, she is the fun prankster, everyone loves her and everyone that is considered a friend knows her. She is interesting to be with, always finding a way through people’s guard, can be charming and most of the time good natured. But beware of her, she doesn’t trust easily.
If she doesn't like you, you meet the angel, she is stern and can be rude if she needs too, she enforces rules and she creates boundaries that no one dares to break. As they say, all angels draw swords.

Then depending on how well you know the girl, there is HT (also known as home training), she is the girl’s voice of reasoning and she keeps the girl in check, she ensures every other persona knows their job and does it accordingly, you don’t want to mess with her, luckily no one gets to meet her. She is bossy.

There is daddy’s girl, she is spoiled to the end, insists things go her way and would never budge except it does, well she and home training are not friends with each other at all, they are always fighting, after all who likes a spoiled child, I love her too.
There is the temptress, don’t worry she does not come out much, only if you are able to meet with the main person inside do you ever meet her, she has a wild imagination, and she can’t be satisfied, I know we have tried. Good thing she does not come out often.

There is the ‘green eyed monster’ nobody knows her name and she answers to no one she is part of the nasties along with anger. She is never allowed to come up but once in a while she takes control.

There is fear and shame and they plague us everyday, I know fear and that is because we fight every other day, she always tries to take over every time, we keep her around though because she holds the temptress down. There are other faces, some the girl never wears and some that she used to wear, but what I know is that she keeps secrets and we don’t try to find out who they are, so that is why I say a thousand (I am exaggerating, you should be able to tell).

My name is PP and I am the happiest of the bunch, along with Nerdy, she tries to learn and know everything, but I on the other hand, I write because someone needs to tell the girl story, I learn things but not the things that really matter, it is said I stem from her imagination, well imagination used to be one of her faces as I was told, but nobody talks about her any longer, so sad.

I don’t know why we all exist but I do know that nobody has seen the girl in a very long time, nobody wants to take her name so we try to just keep going to keep functioning in hope that someday we would find where she went and maybe bring her back.
 I know of a girl with a thousand faces, because I am one of her faces but the girl herself is long gone and we can’t find her and that is why I tell her story.

The Estherianđź’™


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