What's Happening?

Today is the 1st of June, 2020. June, as we all know, is the sixth month of the year.  Some days ago, I got a message from a friend and it asked, 'What's happening?' 
I just want to share how this year has been so far.

    This is the most usual year yet for me both generally and personally. The year started out with the Australian fire, the threat of WWIII, a pandemic -COVID 19-, a lockdown, a massacre in southern Kaduna, Nigeria, Police brutality in the USA, several other killings around the country and all in five months. This year has been sad. 

This was the year that I thought was going to be my break out year, it was all happy and exciting for me and I was sure it was going to be my best year yet. I had plans you know, I was going to start a blog, get a sewing machine and teach myself how to sew, hopefully, start up a business, get good grades in school, be in that perfect relationship and have all my friends and I winning in everything we do.

 *cues laughter* 

The year happened you know, the perfect relationship crumbled, the lockdown happened and I returned home, everything seems to descend down a downward spiral. It begs the question, What do you do when things don't go the way you want it to go?

    The most important thing I have learnt is to let go of all things, my plans and big dreams and take life one step at a time. Yeah, it is ok to envision what we want to achieve but there should be that knowledge that we can't control the variable that is life. I have begun to learn more as a Christian the ability to completely surrender my plans and everything in the hands of God. I have learnt that the main plans in my life is God's plan, and He works everything out according to His plans. So if things would not go my way, I am fully trusting in Him and I am sure it would go in God's way.
source: Pinterest

Another thing this past 69 days have allowed me to achieve is self-examination. I can say for a fact that I know more about myself than I did last year. I know what I love, I have an idea of who I am, who I want to be, I have learnt more and have discovered my voice, the ability to speak up for myself and also to listen to people and relate with them. I have also begun to make changes, picking up my slacks, checking out thing I have been doing wrong or things I have been doing of my own strength, I am currently starting new and more helpful habits, like exercising, etc. I am learning how to be a better daughter, sister, friend, Christian and most importantly a better me.

I am gaining knowledge of things. I am reading books; those related to my course work, self-improvement books, my bible and just books just for the fun of it. I am listening to podcasts, I follow like two podcast back to back, watch the news, check my twitter feed and just learning generally, writing this blog, improving on my fashion illustration, listening to music and other times sermons. I know it is not only getting this knowledge of things that matter, I know that the understanding of what I am learning and also the application of all this that equate to success.

I am beginning to appreciate the people I have around me, my parents, my brothers, the extended family and also my friends. We are sharing stories with each other, there is a lot of joy and laughter around, there is healing and mending of broken bridges, and it has been one hell of a journey. I finally understand this thing I saw way back about appreciating the people God placed in your path. I am like you know maybe after all these, after university, I might not move home, but who knows.
source: Pinterest

So I am just sharing the positives that I am seeing in this crazy time and I kinda understand the importance of sharing this. So to you, my wonderful readers, What's happening?

The Estherian


  1. Hmmm, this is a good piece, the year has not been the best of it for so many all over the world, plans thwarted, economy sinking, government frustrated,Global crisis...but in all we thank God. Well mine hasn't really being nice either, adjusting to online education, not easy at all, self motivating yourself to read and a whole lot, no money and all. I hope things get better.


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