The Dream Series

    The thing with dreams is, they are bigger than what we have and greater than our current capability or circumstance. The dream series is a collection of basically everything I intend to do and a means of offering you an insight into who I am and why I do the things I do. Starting this series is an act of faith because writing it down makes it more than just a mere thought in my head and it becomes hopefully a source of inspiration to you.

I have always had dreams of grandeur and more than anything, I dream of saving people and changing lives which is why I am starting the dream series with my biggest dream yet.


    I have been shaped by the experiences I went through growing up and for so long I was a misfit, misunderstood and even if I tried my best to deal with the cards dealt to me, it has not been a smooth or straight forward journey. I had a lot of questions and seek to understand the events around me and the circumstances that surround me, from the restriction to the pressure and this sense of people dictating what they believe was right or wrong for me without the slightest idea of who I am. It is not surprising that along the way I had to deal with a loss of identity and tried to find out for myself who I was. My teenage years made a lot of impression on me and in my search, I learnt that it would have been a lot easier if I had a guide, someone with an open mind, that was willing to help me and walk with me, someone that was willing to let me know that they have been in the same place I was and even if they don't get or understand, they would say I am here for you and mean it. 

This became my inspiration and I have been dreaming for so long of building something like this that would care for the young mind and I have for so long dreamt of a platform, my own patch of heaven.


In a fast-paced world where everything seems to have become virtual, I have chosen to create an environment that would be conducive for learning, aimed at causing a change in the norm, an online presence that is willing to be an example and guide without an ad break.

The is a dream platform that is a non-profit, aimed at impacting and creating new tools for the young mind to assist them in becoming the best version of themselves and building a beautiful society.

Why should we exist?

The transition into adulthood is a strange one because you have no idea what you are supposed to be. It is hard to silence the noise of culture, society, religion and peers. For so long the society keeps on churning out broken and misinformed people that end up spending their whole lives trying to figure things out and become better. What if the next generation does not have to go through the stress of losing it all before getting it right, what if there is a place where they have someone who understands them and is willing to take the walk with them, someone that can help silence the noise around and help them uncover their own potentials, someone that can guide, not shielding them from the dangers of the world but help them to better navigate it and help them discover who they are and how they can create a better working society?

The would be focused mainly on the young mind, especially teenagers in a transitional phase and would provide a sort of mentoring situation where they can be informed and influenced to live better lives. We would also focus on those that are simply tired of living the way they used to be or those searching for an understanding of who they are. The platform is intended to provide tools for the developing mind and offer help in self-development, interhuman relationship and provide a medium of self-expression for the creative mind. Above all, The would be tailored to meet individual needs. 

What future do we want to create?

One beautiful question I see is what future do we want to create. I want to create a future of like-hearted people with a passion for the world, resilient and filled with kindness. A generation of people that gets the basic things right like how to interact better in the society, a generation true to themselves, that puts their talents and passion into something that can uplift others. A future where people are not focused on the temporal and fading things, not chasing after trends and sticking to the status quo but are creating change and helping the human race. A future where the older generation can help guide and not force the younger ones to hold on to those intangible values and in turn pass them on to the next, creating a world filled with humans united in their differences, strengthened by their diversity focused on helping others live better lives and in turn building a patch of heaven.

 How do we create that future?

Blog: The tagline for the Estherian is creating impact through stories. This is the starting point of impact that presents a person, me for now, that is relatable and can be easily understood. In sharing real-life situations and stories encourages people to be more open about what they are going through and also inspires them to live their own lives intentionally and unapologetically. The blog is a means of sharing and creating a community of like-hearted individuals that are passionate about how things should be and uplifting others to live their own truth.

Virtual classes and Clubs: This is a safe space for individuals and creatives to find other people with similar interest and also presents a collection of human experience and support for someone that is just starting out in that chosen field. Virtual classes on topics like self-knowledge, emotional intelligence, relationships, sociality, works, etc would also be handled by experienced and certificated individuals.

Counselling and Therapy:  With an increased awareness for mental health, we would be creating access to an experienced therapist for people that would require those services to help people heal from different trauma and be equipped to face life with a sane mind.

Coaching and Mentorship:  Since we are established to guide people towards living a fulfilled life, we are interested in helping young minds make decisions in terms of career, talents and varying interests. There would be experienced coaches helping in the development required to win in various aspects of life and mentors to direct and teach about the intricacy of individual fields. 

Outreaches: This is a means of taking something virtual to our intended audience. Outreaches would include talk shows, seminars, and charity events to reach the outside world.

What principles guide our behaviour?

At The, we would pride ourselves in values such as honesty, trust, humility, openness, confidentiality and transparency. We approach the world with love, compassion and empathy. 

We would encourage others to break free from the comfort of the status quo and begin to live uncomfortably comfortable by going the extra mile for others. We care about relationships and have a high regard for community, so we are willing to engage, relate and interact with the next human irrespective of age, race, sex or class. 


No dreamer is ever too small; no dream is ever too big.

It is easy just dreaming of things we imagine to do but when we begin to write it out and take even the smallest step towards something bigger than us is so exciting. In creating the, I decided to go for the smallest bit possible that does not require a lot of experience. So I started blogging and I am trying to create a prototype of the big thing. 

I started and I am using this to learn how to be expressive, how to interact and connect with the world and people. I am using this prototype to learn the basics and understand the commitment involved in the bigger picture. I started blogging in April and it has kept me busy in some ways creating an avenue to share and express the things going on in my mind. 

Receiving feedback from people about how the topics I put up resonates with them and how they had not the slightest idea I was going through that or how they have found strength in what I have put up just encourages me to keep going and lets me know that there is more ahead. It has just been awesome. Although I am aware of the fact that there is a lot I have to work on, there is potential and so much to hope for. 

In terms of future-proofing, I intend to run the blog in full capacity; this includes videos and virtual clubs be it for cooking, or books or sewing, leaving nuggets while keeping it humble, open and transparent. Then apart from the Black Art challenge I started, I intend to bring more people on board with things that inspire or influence me to create a sort of diversity. 


Don't be scared of a challenge, it is just another bus stop in Ibadan.
Random saying.
 The first one on my mind is assembling a team. I know that right now, the is still a prototype but moving on, I would be faced with assembling a team. I would need a team of writers, facilitators, sponsors and so on. I have to surround myself with like-hearted people who would buy into the future I am imaging and come on board, people who are willing to share their story and guide another person. I must confess I have no idea how to start this but I am willing to learn.

I have not figured out how to create something that would live beyond me. I know starting this up is going to take a lot of resources but if it is going to be non-profit, how would it outlast me? How would it survive in our society without it being misunderstood, corrupted or lose its bottom line? What assurance do I have that the people in the team would not turn it into something else for their selfish gain? How do I create a self-sustaining platform?


I had to ask myself, what is the end goal of this? Why am I interested in creating and doing this, how about being inadequate and so unqualified in regards to something this big. The only thing I keep telling myself is this, progress over perfection. I am confident I would learn as I grow in this and that is my drive every day as I chase this dream.
What would happen when I finally have this, how would my intended audience be impacted, how would I deal with opposition and neigh sayers, what would happen if this came crashing? I wonder a lot about all this but again, I can't do much about those things that have not presented themselves but I believe when they come, I would have the strength to deal with the aftermath of this beautiful dream and truly build a patch of heaven.

Wow, this is a really long post.
I have to say that I would be resuming classes online this week and I would let you know how that pans out. I am so grateful for the comments and feedback on my last post. I have discovered a new description for my work. 
You can reach me at, I would love to hear from you.
Do have a beautiful week ahead.

The Estherian


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