An Illusion of freedom

Source: Pinterest I am going to assume you must have heard, things are not the way they seem. This means what we accept as the truth is often an illusion and until we change our perspective we might never know the truth. One of such illusions is freedom, we believe we are free because we can do what we choose to and we are not under any clear oppression and until we look closer, we likely get away with believing it. I read a quote somewhere and it goes like this, What is worse than a bird in a cage? A bird in a bigger cage because it believes it is free. Freedom is the state of being free; not being imprisoned or enslaved and assured liberty. It is the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint and the absence of a despotic government. Our fundamental human right embodies freedom and it is an integral part of who we are even if such freedom is often within limits and is supposed to be protected by the laws and government of a reg...