The Estherian Blog 2021

Welcome to my blog.
I am so excited to have you on board with me as I share my stories in hopes of connecting with someone going through something similar and need to feel seen or heard. Writing to me is a form of compromise, a means of communicating with the outside world without straying too far from my level of comfort. It serves as a means of escape from the stress of the every day, a means of processing my emotions and encouragement anytime I become stuck or feel alone. I started blogging April 2020, amid a pandemic as a form of self-care and as a means of reaching out to others going through the times. 

Join me, in 2021, as I learn more about my Christian faith, talk about the topics that interest me, explore the world one day at a time and share my journey in becoming who I am created to be. 

Here is a breakdown of what I am looking forward to putting out next year.

Creating Impact Through Stories
Check-In is every post on the blog that is not in any way related to the other categories. It is a post on how the week went, how I feel at the moment, encouragement for every day, lessons learnt from a new experience, life nuggets and an invitation for the readers to share their thoughts about how they feel concerning whatever topic that comes up on that week.

A collaboration with an artist, black_spiritual, showcases art pieces and short stories that express the idea behind each work of art or a personal interpretation of what that piece means to me. I hope to make this bigger by introducing other artists and create a variety of art pieces. The name would remain the same though just because I like it and out of respect for the initial collaboration.
This is a showcase of my work as a fashion illustrator and a seamstress. This ranges from fashion sketch to the stories behind each piece, to the clothes themselves and a step back to process, alongside the challenges encountered and the experience gained from each design.

The thing with dreams is they are bigger than what we have or greater than our current capacity and situation. The dream series is a collection of basically everything I intend to do and a means of offering you an insight into who I am and why I do the things I do. Starting this series is an act of faith because writing it down makes it more than just a mere thought in my head, and it becomes hopefully a source of inspiration to you.

The conservation series is a collection of discussions on contemporary topics with the intention of either bringing my reader’s attention to something no one talks about or changing their stance on a particular subject. The only way to inform and educate people about issues, find common ground and get insights into the thoughts of the other person is to start a conversation. Since there is no discussion without another party, there would be a guest for each topic.

 Starting a food blog has always been a dream of mine, and with my food stories, I hope to create that dream. My food stories is going to be centred around food, how it connects people and how it tells us about them. I absolutely love cooking, trying out new recipes and making a meal for someone because sometimes the best thing in life are the moments we create with people.

I have always loved the idea of making my clothes, and I love it even more because I often illustrate some designs. I got a sewing machine in November 2020, and I have decided to teach myself how to sew through books and YouTube videos. My sewing Journal is going to contain progress reports of projects I embark upon, hacks I learn and shattering myths surrounding sewing. 

A minimum of 70 posts in the year

Mondays and selected Thursdays

  1. Ngozi Isife
  2. Chinaelo Osakwe

  3. Chukwuemeka Divine
Thank you for following my journey this year, let's do this again next year.
For suggestions, ideas and collaborations, you can reach me at

Do have a beautiful Christmas celebration.
See you in 2021.

With Love,
The Estherian ❤️


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