Balance: Independent Vs Dependent.

Let me start with this, I don't like the general message of being strong and independent. Not that strong and independent is bad, but it is not something I desire. I want to make decisions that matter to me without waiting for anyone's permission, I love to do me, but I don't think I am comfortable with the word independent and its usage in this context. Source: Pinterest Independent means “free from outside control; not subject to another's authority, not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence”. The thing is this, when I hear the phrase “strong and independent woman”, it creates an image of someone removed from the world and the surrounding people, someone that has to get everything done herself because she is too independent to rely on others. She has to carve out her path and be in total opposition to everyone. So I ask myself, does being strong and independent remove the need for a community, a support system, a family (either by choice or biological) o...