JULY 2021


Source: Pinterest

I want you to do something,

Picture a room,

It can be white or pastel blue,

Or it can just be anywhere that makes you calm.

Picture a sofa,

As comfortable as you can imagine,

Then do something for me,

I want you to take a seat.

There is a reason I am inviting you to this space.

I don't want you to just sit with me,

I want you to sit with someone else too,

I want you to sit with yourself.

I want you to sit with your emotions,

All the ones you have been trying to suppress,

I want you to sit with your feelings,

All the ones you have been running away from.

I want you to become more aware of them,

I want you to listen to what they have to say,

I want you to pay attention to what they are telling you,

I want you to confront them.

I don't want you to head out of this space in a hurry,

Especially if all you hear is silence,

Or if it is uncomfortable.

But maybe for a long time,

You have not had the chance to be here.

I am going to leave now,

I have done my best to invite you here,

But sit with yourself,

With your feelings and emotions,

Listen to what they have to say,

And don't be in a hurry to leave. 

Welcome to July.
I am convinced July is going to be a good month. I hope you have beautiful experiences all through the month, and you also take out time to rest. 

With love,
The Estherian


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