Check-in: Break Time!


Source: Pinterest
With a grateful heart, I want to say thank you to everyone that called, sent messages, prayers and celebrated my birthday with me last week. I am so grateful and beyond amazed. The day was so overwhelming, starting with my dad setting me up in church for thanksgiving and the surprise birthday by the Adelaja family that made the day so memorable. And yes I got my balloons, and once again, I am saying thank you. You all know how to make a girl feel so special.

I know a few people are wondering, how did your dad get into the picture? The truth is, I went to my parent’s house to rest because as of last week, I needed a break from College of Medicine, and I wanted to spend my birthday with my immediate family. I left Enugu on Wednesday and my dad picked me up at the airport in Lagos. On getting home, my younger brother, Oluwasemilore, and my mum were waiting to welcome me. There was a lot of hugging and no, there was not a lot of disapproval of my white hair. Elizabeth came around on Thursday and left the following day and we had a bit of time to just talk about stuff. I had a TCS with Semilore, and it should be up soon, so watch out for that. By Sunday, which was my birthday, I was happy that I went home. 

The truth is I can’t put into words what that break meant to me, but all I can say is that I am glad I did go home. Although returning to Enugu Monday morning was something because I almost missed my flight, twice.  While I was booking my ticket to travel, I had to book a one-way ticket to Lagos because I wasn’t certain when I was going to return. But by Friday, I decided to book my return flight for Monday morning and I also had to use a different airline, Ibom Air, to travel. That was the earliest flight out of Lagos, and that was the perfect choice for me at that point. Now, the process with Ibom air was different. They were right on schedule and their service was so well done. My first attempt at missing my flight was being on the wrong queue until a lady told me, that was a wrong queue and that check-in was going to be over in about five minutes. After check-in, I moved to where I was going to sit before boarding the plane, put my earpiece on, and told myself that when it was 7:15 am, I was going to remove my earpiece and pay attention. The same woman returned to tap me a few minutes late to let me know that boarding had started.  She told me her own story of missing some flights with the airline even though she was already in the airport and in the queue to check in. What I am trying to say is this, I am used to airlines delaying their flights and not being on time, and have conditioned myself to be like that. Ibom Air starts to taxi 10 minutes before the take-off time which translates to if I waited until 7:15 am, I will not meet the plane, and maybe dad will definitely not pay for another ticket. Maybe the truth is this, I am used to mediocrity because I wasn’t expecting that amount of excellence from them, and I am glad that I experienced something different. Special shoutout to that woman for noticing it was my first flight with the airline and ensuring I made it to the plane. I am so grateful. 

So in all, my birthday weekend was perfect, and I have resumed lectures, which are going well. I am done with the design phase of the collection I have been hinting at for a while now. The next thing with that project is to start fabric sourcing and garment construction, and I think I am going to be in for a stressful ride. Also, I am putting things in place so that I can release the first episode of my podcast before the end of the year, so anticipate that. I am going to be working with a co-host and when the final plans are put in place, I will make an official announcement. I am going to have a lot on my plate in the coming months, and I know I will get through. 

You all should please tell me to start reading because as it stands, the student in me has gone on indefinite strike. So I need all the encouragement I can get. 

Do have a beautiful week.
With Love, 
The Estherian.


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