Check-in: Q1

The thing about taking a break is this, you dread returning to the way things used to be and in my case, there is the fear of not being able to do half of what I used to be able to do. For example, everything I tried writing last month is incomplete, and I don’t know how to complete it. 
In other news, I am back from my break. 
Source: Pinterest
So, what can you say about the first quarter of the year? 
For me, the first quarter of the year has been unexpected, and I don’t mean in the pleasant surprise kind of way. At this point, everything seems neutral, and I have to be intentional about focusing on the good of every day as against the way I feel. Before the break, I was scared that if I kept trying to put something out every week, it would have this negative energy around it, and maybe it would be too much for my readers to relate to. I don’t know if my writing still has a sad undertone to it, but I rather just try to put myself back out, and it will come back to me. Hopefully, I will get the hang of how things used to be.

But permit me to share how I feel. I know I have been told that I need to start working on my mind and training my subconscious to focus on the positives, to try to shift from the pessimistic view to a more optimistic view, and I have been trying that. I have to keep a gratitude journal, alongside my drugs and every struggle. But if I can give a one-word review of the first quarter of 2022, it is going to be defeated. 

I knew there was a journey up ahead, but I never knew it was going to be against my mind. It felt like I lost everything in the first quarter and I don’t know what to do about it. I can’t seem to figure out the way forward. I feel defeated in the sense that I cannot dream of big things to come or focus long enough on the things here. All I can do is take one day at a time and to be honest, that is not a bad thing. I am not even excited to go to school again. And that is so funny because the people that know me, know I too like school

And to the friendship I had before all this started, I am still trying to give them space and grace, and the reason I am so dutiful to that is this, that is all I can do. I can only give space and grace. What can I say, how can I fix any of this? I have messed up so bad that there seems to be no way back, and I am not brave to start all this over again. I still wait on my phone every day for a phone call or a message that I know will never come my way, and I am so tired of telling myself to move on. The message is never going to come and even if it does, I am not sure that I have anything to say. I feel so defeated. I lost everything I held dear(well almost everything) and with all that frustration comes tiredness, and with the overwhelming tiredness, it appears that I am just shutting down from inside out, waiting for whatever is left to pass by.

The first quarter wasn’t all that bad. I had family all around and supporting me. I have friends step in and be the most exceptional that they can be, and I am forever grateful. I have a housemate now, my ma calls me at least twice every day, and my pa calls me at least twice a week. I found myself in the hostel more times than I normally would, and somehow, I always receive the strength to show up at school and participate. To be truthful, God has been good, He has been so good to me. And for that I am grateful.
Kindly replace the months mentioned with the months in the first quarter.
Source: Pinterest
As I mentioned earlier, all I can do now is take one day at a time because that is the only option, and as we start the second quarter of 2022, I am carrying my broken and battered self, I am resting my defeated self on the hilt of my sword, I am looking at my adversary in the face and I am refusing to accept defeat. My psychiatrist told me I need to fight for my mind, she told me I look like a fighter, and she is right. I am a fighter. I am resilient, no matter how many times I fall, no matter how defeated I look, I am reminded I am more than a conqueror and that means I will keep going until I win. One day at a time.

How did your first quarter go? I would love to know. 
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With Love,
The Estherian


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