Thanksgiving 2022

Photo credit: @sunsetoned

I know, it has been a long while since I had a blog post up. 
The year has been turning out in rather unexpected ways, and somehow, I still struggle to see the point of this whole thing, by which I mean the reason this year went the way it did. One thing I am happy to announce, though, is that I have successfully completed my 4th MBBS examination and I am now a final-year med student.

**cues fireworks**

As per The Estherian Blog tradition, this is another Thanksgiving, and I will be sharing what I am grateful for in no particular order.

  • I am grateful for life. 
I mean, that is quite an easy one, but this year I am extra grateful that I am still here. This year was overwhelming and a struggle, and there were times that I thought I was going under because I wasn’t sure how to suffer what I was going through. But God has been so faithful, and that is all the confidence I need.
  • I am grateful for conversations.
I believe that I was able to have a lot more conversations with people about different things, things that I normally would not have been caught dead talking about. I am grateful for the space in which these conversations were held and for the people that I had them with. I am grateful for the lessons learned, the laughter shared, the insights gained, and the ability to form a connection with those persons at the end of the day. I am grateful that it is becoming easier to communicate with people.
  • I am grateful for my family.
By "family," I mean my biological family and every other person I consider family because, as I have learned, family isn’t always blood. I am grateful to everyone who has been of help to me this year, rendered their help and support, and prayed for me. I am grateful for my uncles and all the times they picked me up at MM2 airport; my aunties, for their encouragement and money; and my cousins, for being the absolute best. I am grateful for my brothers for going well out of their way to make sure I am doing alright and for my big sister (not blood related) for being with me through every hospital visit and ensuring that I am doing well. Finally, my parents are simply exceptional people, and I will never be able to fully repay them for their efforts on my behalf.
  • I am grateful for my friends.
I would like to start by specially thanking two individuals, Iyanu and Jeremiah. They might not have done much compared with my other friends, but they have been exceptional human beings. They have become somewhat of a constant in my life. I am so grateful for them.
I am grateful to be surrounded by amazing humans. I am grateful to have friends who would go to any length to ensure my well-being. I am grateful for the friends that made sure I was coping with life, that I wasn't giving up easily, and that it was alright for me to take up a lot more space than others. I am grateful for everyone who showed up for me this year.
  • I am grateful for YouTube Music.
Of course, I am going to mention this. This is one decision that I am pleased to have made this year, and no matter how insignificant it sounds, the ability to find any song just by searching for it is actually nice. I am so grateful for finding songs online and leaving it to AI to keep recommending similar songs to me.
  • I am grateful for food and the many joys making a meal can bring. 
I am also grateful to have someone to share my meals with. And to that person, I gained three kilograms because of you and I lost it over the course of my exams.
  • I am grateful for the stories I got to share this year, and I hope I get to share more.
So there you have it. 
Now it is your turn to share what you are grateful for. You can write it in your journal or leave a comment below.
Until next time.

With love,
The Estherian 💛


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