14: One of those days.

Today counts as one of those days, You know, the ones where you have a thousand and one things to do, and you aren’t quite sure where to start, so you hope and pray you figure it out before the deadline. What is the deadline, you might ask? I am not sure. One thing is certain though, the timeline for my final exams is out, and I have concluded my final lectures in Med school - at least officially. I am not panicking which is a good thing but low-key, I feel like I should. Hehe. I am in academic danger. Hehe. And you know what, I am not too excited to exert myself because I got this. **Sees Neurosurgery past questions** Hehe. Serious danger. Hehe. I asked someone for their opinion on something that was bothering me, and it was either asking this person or sending a message to FK and Jolla, from the ISWIS Podcast, and the person gave really serious advice that I am going to do my best to follow. The downside to having this conversation is that I realised I haven’t ...