15: On Character Development

Connections. Earlier today, I had a Family medicine test. I believed the test was going to be a breeze, and that was reflected in the way I handled the preparation for the test. It wasn't bad and I was satisfied with how the test went. But that's by the way. The main issue was the way I felt before the test started. For reasons best known to our examiners, we did not enter the hall according to our serial number on the class list, and we were told to sit anywhere for the test. I ended up sitting near someone that used to be my friend. And with the way everything ended between us, I decided to stop acknowledging said person. I had a mix of emotions ranging from sadness to anger because I had to keep seeing this person until the seats separating us were filled. I am not sure what brought about this range of emotions since I have been seeing him around for a long while now. My best bet is a conversation that I had a few days prior, where he had come up. I am not quite sure what...