
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Estherian Blog 2021

Welcome to my blog. I am so excited to have you on board with me as  I share my stories in hopes of connecting with someone going through something similar and need to feel seen or heard.  Writing to me is a form of compromise, a means of communicating with the outside world without straying too far from my level of comfort. It serves as a means of escape from the stress of the every day, a means of processing my emotions and encouragement anytime I become stuck or feel alone. I started blogging April 2020, amid a pandemic as a form of self-care and as a means of reaching out to others going through the times.  Join me, in 2021, as I learn more about my Christian faith, talk about the topics that interest me, explore the world one day at a time and share my journey in becoming who I am created to be.  Here is a breakdown of what I am looking forward to putting out next year. Creating Impact Through Stories CHECK-IN: WEEKLY UPDATES Check-In is every post on the blog...

On Jealousy And Its Appropriateness

     On Wednesday, Zita asked a question on her WhatsApp status about jealousy in a relationship and what its significance was. I sent her my thought on the subject, and she relayed what she learnt from the question she asked and also suggested that it is a good idea to put up a post about jealousy. So, Zita, this one's for you. Taking a slightly different approach, I would share a bit of what I know about jealousy, what I have learnt and how appropriate jealousy is, that is if it is appropriate at all.  Zita's Status Update Source: WhatsApp Jealousy is the state or feeling of being jealous- showing envy of someone or their achievement and advantages. But this definition seems a bit insufficient because not only does it not fully explain jealousy, it brings up a word that is often used in place of jealousy, envy. A simpler definition by Gustavo Razzetti, Creator of the Culture Design Canvas is; “Envy is a reaction to lacking something, jealousy is a reaction to the t...

A Late Year Lesson

Source: Pinterest I think I was duped.  This experience doesn't change my perspective on people, but it has helped me understand that anyone that tries to steal from you would do it irrespective of your good heart or kind words, and it also helped me understand myself a bit more.  Around September, I decided to work on some projects that I have been putting away till I can afford it. One of them was making a bed because I am trying to maximize the floor space in my apartment and also remove my mattress from the floor. I asked some friends to recommend carpenters to me and I found someone willing to make the bed. I planned to get the bed done and delivered immediately I got to Enugu. November came around and I had a friend(Marcus) staying over at my place, so I decided to give my plan a go.  Before making the payment, I called some of my friends at Enugu to check up on this guy to confirm that he was legit because I was uncertain who gave me his number. The results of this...