Random Thoughts On A Cold Day
Source: pexels.com (I) It is crazy the way things turn out. And it is refreshing at the end of the day when you settle into serendipity. I have been having conversations with myself, and I have been trying my best to be gentle with my soul. In all honesty, she needs it. (II) As often as I can, I try to take a walk through my memories and listen to the things I might have missed, I replay situations now that the emotions have drained out, and I review cases and scenarios now that the grip of anxiety has passed away, I try not to hold on way too tight to what should have been, and I am learning to love myself with grace and space, I am learning to love myself in the stillness that is left, with broken relationships and heartbreak. The funny thing is that in trying to love someone in the wake of their absence, I didn’t realize I refused to love myself for the way things turned out. (III) I try to dissect broken relationships and friendships, especially the ones that fell away in the p...