18: Aaaaand Scene

Before you continue, read part one here . I really shot myself in the leg by splitting this into two parts, but I can’t put this off forever so I guess I am going to get this over and done with. We had our medicine OSCE exam on a Tuesday, and I waited three hours after my batch finished before I was allowed to go home. Before the exams started, I had really distressing palpitations, which necessitated me taking meds before I went into the examination hall. By the time I was on my way home, I was dealing with the warning signs of hypoglycemia, one of the side effects of the drug I used. We were sequestrated after our OSCE exam to maintain the objectivity of the examination, and I thoroughly understood them. But what made me bring up this instance and not the panic attack I had at the end of the medicine written examination two weeks prior was the conversation in the car on my way home. We were talking about the emotional toll of the examination process on all of us and how the past six...