The Dream Series

The thing with dreams is, they are bigger than what we have and greater than our current capability or circumstance. The dream series is a collection of basically everything I intend to do and a means of offering you an insight into who I am and why I do the things I do. Starting this series is an act of faith because writing it down makes it more than just a mere thought in my head and it becomes hopefully a source of inspiration to you. I have always had dreams of grandeur and more than anything, I dream of saving people and changing lives which is why I am starting the dream series with my biggest dream yet. BUILDING A PATCH OF HEAVEN I have been shaped by the experiences I went through growing up and for so long I was a misfit, misunderstood and even if I tried my best to deal with the cards dealt to me, it has not been a smooth or straight forward journey. I had a lot of questions and seek to understand the events around me and the circumstan...