We Are All Saving Lives.

It is not every day you get the satisfaction of completing a task you set out to complete. And sometimes, you find yourself having to let go of a task with the hope you come back to it. So, I am celebrating my second year as a blogger and writer on this blog. And it is something. The initial plan was to do a follow-up on one of the earliest posts on the blog, in search of identity, and as I said earlier, you don't always get the satisfaction of completing tasks you set out to do. Source: Pinterest I read a post last Friday on medium as I was on my way to the hospital, and the writer stated that in our little ways, we are all saving lives. I know I am a medical student and the medical profession is all about saving human lives, even if I am more aware of the lives that we lost despite doing all we can. I started my posting in the accident and emergency unit last week, and death has become a lot more real in the past few days. The writer showed that saving lives most times aren't...